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Pre-recorded Webinar: Vision and Balance – A Reciprocal Relationship

Practical Strategies to Integrate the Oculomotor and Postural Systems

June Smith OTR/L

 Cost: $250.00

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Did you know….
… you can enhance balance by changing the visual input?

… simple movement-based strategies can have an immediate impact on vision/balance? 

This interactive webinar will explore the underlying foundations of the vestibular/balance system and the visual/ocular motor system and how they impact each other.  Vision is the primary input to develop balance, and all visual skills are movement-based.  Experiential activities will demonstrate how the eyes tell the balance system how to function and provide postural stability.

The integration of proprioception, vision and vestibular systems will be a focus as well as the implications to move from primitive to postural reflexes.  Participants will practice movement-based treatment strategies including core and eye activation to both challenge and relax the ocular motor and balance systems. This webinar will be geared toward school-aged children including those with a variety of needs (e.g. ASD, ADHD, concussion, etc.)

Functional implications for school based practice:

  • Discover how eye position can impact level of alertness.
  • Understand the impact of brain/body dominance on learning and seating placement in the classroom.
  • Explore how visualization can impact the cerebellum even when children are not moving.
  • Understand why the eyes are always moving and need to move for learning to occur.
  • Identify patterns of vestibular sensory processing that impact postural-ocular systems, and bilateral integration/sequencing.
  • Understand why children with ASD have evidence of poor postural stability especially when visual cues are omitted.


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Learning Objectives
Participants completing this course will be should be able to:

  • Perform a simple visual screening to assess saccades, pursuits and convergence
  • Explain how postural stability is impacted during near and far activities
  • Determine the difference between internal and external cues to increase efficient muscle use for enhanced motor control
  • Demonstrate at least three movement-based strategies that will support core activation, eye activation and reflex integration
  • Describe at least two treatment guidelines when treating clients with vision and balance concerns and their application to special populations (ADHD, ASD, concussions, etc.)

Target Audience


Course Level 

Intermediate level


June Smith, OTR/L

June Smith has been an O.T. for over 35 yrs, and is Sensory Integration certified. She works full-time as a clinical and mentor at South Shore Therapies, a private sensory integration clinic. June was the first instructor certified by Cece Koester to teach the Brain Gym® for Children who have Special Needs (BG 170) course. June developed a Vision Clinic with Developmental Optometrists to promote visual efficiency with children/adults who demonstrate learning challenges. She teaches around the country on Brain Gym® and Integrated Learning Concepts to support stress-free learning and efficiency of the ocular-motor system.

June receives a speaking fee for her presentation. She has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.

Course Schedule

8:00 am – Introduction: Background information


8:15 – Underlying foundations of the vestibular system:

-Movement: the common denominator of the senses

-Functional implications of linear and rotational movement

-Visualization impact on cerebellum even when children are not moving

-Relationship between spatial awareness, timing and rhythm

-Treatment implications for vestibular patterns: Bilateral Integration and Sequencing


9:00 – Underlying foundations of vision/ocular motor system:

-When do the eyes guide the hand vs. the hand guide the eyes?

-Eye position to impact level of alertness in school/home

-Eyes always on the move for learning to occur

-Everyone has a blind spot

-Do the saccades and smooth pursuit systems communicate with each other?

-Learn a simple vision screening


10:00 – Break


10:15 – Integration of sensory systems and reflexes

-Teasing it out:  Vision, Proprioception and Vestibular

-Receptors of extra-ocular muscles provide postural stability

-Neuroplasticity: Maps of motor, auditory and visual systems that stack on one another

-Moving from primitive to postural reflexes

-Influence on behavior and cognition


11:15 – General guidelines to consider for treatment:

-Language cues

-Anticipation of the positive (Dopamine)

-Pre-warning cues and impact on anxiety

-How our visual system interprets our own and others’ pain

-How failure shapes our nervous system

-Research on internal vs. external cues


11:45-12:15 pm – Lunch break


12:15 – Practical strategies to support balance and the core using vision:

-The influence of head tilt in making gains

-How balance is enhanced by changes in visual environment

-Strategies to counteract movement sensitivity

-Core Activation and a variety of exercises for clinic/home

-Influence of brain/body dominance on learning


1:30 – Practical strategies to support ocular-motor and vision using balance:

-Influence of eye dominance and crossing midline

-Positions to support optimal eye control

-Ocular motor equipment that can help (ex. infinity marble track)

-Use of visualization and relaxation exercises for the eyes

-Near and far activities and impact on posture

-Eye activation and variety of exercises for school/clinic/home


2:30 – Visual/Vestibular considerations in relation to:

-Benefits of Vestibular Rehabilitation programs

-Application to diagnoses of: ASD, ADHD, concussion, etc.

Resources:  Motor, Science and Vision websites and references.

-Need for making referrals to outside specialists (e.g. vision therapy)


3:00 – Final questions and wrap up


Educational Credits

6 contact hours

Approved for 6 contact hours by NYSED’s State Board for PT.

Application has been made to NJBPTE for CE credit approval.

AOTA-Approved Provider ProgramTSI is an AOTA Approved Provider of Professional Development.  PD activity approval ID# Pending. This Live PD is offered at .6 CEUs, Intermediate level, Domain of OT: OT Service Delivery. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.


Group Discount


3 or more registrants – $236.60 (use code group3)

In order to qualify for the group discounted rate, registrations MUST all be received within 24 hours (of the first registration) if registering on-line, and in the same envelope if registering by mail.  PLEASE NOTE: Registrations received after a group has been processed will not be eligible for the discount.

To ensure that all group members receive the appropriate discount, choose a group name and be sure that each person registering adds the name in the “other notes” section at checkout.