Brain gym kids

Pre-Recorded Webinar: Using Brain Gym®, Building Block Activities and Vision to Progress through the Continuum of Learning

June Smith OTR/L

Six Contact Hours

In this webinar, which includes actual case examples and video teaching, we will experience more than ten Brain Gym®movement-based learning strategies and modify their difficulty along the continuum of students’ abilities and learning.  We will begin by focusing on students’ visual attention with emphasis on the core activation followed by spatial centering of the body.  These exercises promote increased body awareness, stability and organization and culminate in strategies to promote higher level thinking skills including writing, listening, communication and rhythm.  Since these traditional Brain Gym®exercises may at times be too challenging for some children, we will also practice at least four of the Building Block Activities (based on: Brain Gym® for children who have special needs) that form the underlying foundation for progression to more complex activities.  Additional areas of focus include the ocular-motor and visual skills that contribute to students’ success.Through the process of pre- and post-assessments, we will witness the benefits that these exercises provide, often in less than one minute, as students’ learn brain-body balance and greater visual efficiency.  This course will focus on the pediatric population, including lower functioning children and those on the autism spectrum, and will be applicable to telehealth, school and home programming.

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Learning Objectives
Participants completing this course will be should be able to:

  • Identify the 3 dimensions of learning and their related benefits
  • Describe at least three ocular motor skills and their impact on learning
  • Describe at least four practical movement-based Brain Gym® strategies used in a progression of treatment and their intention

Target Audience


Course Level 

All Levels


June Smith, OTR/L

June Smith has been an O.T. for over 35 yrs, and is Sensory Integration certified. She works full-time as a clinical and mentor at South Shore Therapies, a private sensory integration clinic. June was the first instructor certified by Cece Koester to teach the Brain Gym® for Children who have Special Needs (BG 170) course. June developed a Vision Clinic with Developmental Optometrists to promote visual efficiency with children/adults who demonstrate learning challenges. She teaches around the country on Brain Gym® and Integrated Learning Concepts to support stress-free learning and efficiency of the ocular-motor system.

June receives a speaking fee for her presentation. She has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.

Course Schedule

Pre-Recorded WEBINAR

8:00 am – 8:30 – Format for course participants including use of chat, polling, noticing, and pre and post assessment process during the webinar.  Overview of webinar.

8:30  – 9:00 – Focus of course: Introduction to Brain Gym® and movement based concepts

9:00 – 10:15 – Where it begins:  Focus and Attention.  Strategies include Building Block Activities and Brain Gym® exercises with lengthening to support the core and wake up the ocular motor system

10:30 – 12:00 pm – Achieving Centering and Symmetry:  Strategies include Building Block Activities and Brain Gym® exercises to support calming the system, striving for balanced energy and emotions with increased convergence and coherence

12:45 – 2:00 – A Three Dimensional View:  Strategies include Building Block Activities and Brain Gym®exercises to support learning with ease and promote eye activation and visual efficiency.

2:00 – 3:00 – Planning school and home programming with carry over to telehealth and available community resources.



Educational Credits

6 contact hours

Approved for 6 contact hours by NYSED’s State Board for PT.

Approved by the NJ Board of PT Examiners for 6 credits. Approval #2102-72
(Exp. 1/31/22)

color web&pptTSI is an AOTA Approved Provider of continuing education. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures. Approved by AOTA for .6 CEUs. 6 contact hours, Intermediate Level, Domain of OT: Client Factors.

This course is offered for .6 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).