hypo 23

LIVE Webinar: Contemporary Thoughts on Treating the Child with Hypotonia

Colleen Carey, DPT, C/NDT

Monday & Tuesday
May 22 & 23, 2023
9:00 am – 3:00 pm EST (both days)

Early $350.00* | Regular $375.00

*Early registration must be received 14 days prior to webinar (May 8, 2023). GROUP DISCOUNT ALSO AVAILABLE!

Hypotonia is a common finding in children with developmental disorders. This workshop focuses on using the NDT Practice Model in treating the child with hypotonia. Specific strategies to improve motor control in this population will be presented. Treatment strategies based on the common impairments of the sensorimotor system in this population will be demonstrated through the use of videotapes, case studies and practice labs. Participants will problem solve strategies to improve functional motor performance of the child with hypotonia.


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Learning Objectives
Participants completing this course will be able to:

1. Explore 5 principles from current motor control literature that address postural
control issues in children with hypotonia to create functional goals and individualize
task challenges for successful occupational engagement across multiple contexts,
including school and home.
2. Via video case study review, analyze 5 common deficits in performance skills (motor) and client factors (body
structures and functions) commonly observed in children with hypotonia that may
impact participation in daily activities across environments.
3. Discuss 2 treatment activities that serve as interventions that support occupations,
including manual therapy or handling, to target identified performance skill and client factor
deficits in children with hypotonia. These include the application of NDT Practice
Model Framework concepts such as the importance of proper alignment, dynamic
base of support. and control of weight shift.
4. Create 3 treatment sessions that include the therapeutic use of activities and
occupations by analyzing and constructing an individual, task, environment triad to
enhance functional participation across multiple environments, such as a child’s
ability to keep pace with peers in the gym, playground, or cafeteria


Target Audience 


Course Level: 

Intermediate level


Colleen Carey, C/NDT, DPT

Colleen Carey is the owner and director of the Children’s Therapy Center, a pediatric outpatient center located in Fort Washington, PA. A dynamic speaker, she teaches frequently in seminars to professionals on the topics of early intervention, therapeutic handling, orthotics, and functional goal outcomes. Colleen has extensive experience with a variety of developmental disorders and coordination disorders including cerebral palsy and autism. She has broad experience in indications for physical therapy within the educational environment and the role of adaptive physical education. Colleen actively mentors other therapists to share her knowledge and insights and has been a clinical instructor for 25 years. Colleen is an accomplished Coordinator Instructor with NDTA. She studied at Quinnipiac College, New York University, and Temple University with a focus on developmental disabilities. She is enthusiastically pursuing ongoing professional training to improve the care of her clients. She received her Basic NDT (Neuro-Developmental Treatment) certification in 1987 and her Baby NDT certification in 1995. Colleen has worked in community early intervention programs, preschool settings, educational settings, rehabilitation hospitals, and outpatient centers. She supports families across cultural and ethnic barrier and passionately advocates for children and families. She remains focused on functional outcomes in all environments.

Colleen receives a speaking fee for the presentation. Colleen has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.

Course Schedule

LIVE On-Line Webinar
9:00 am – 3:00 pm EST

Day 1
9am-10:00 Motor control in the child with hypotonia
10:00-11:00 Assessment with the NDT Practice Model
11:00 – 11:15 BREAK
11:15-11:45 Break out rooms: individual, task, environment
11:45-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:30 Video assessment of child with hypotonia
1:30-2:15 Lab: Movement synergies and the impact on function
2:15-3:00 Case Presentation 1: Treatment case including videos to illustrate clinical reasoning

Day 2

9:00 am-10:00 Critical impairments of the Child with Hypotonia
10:00-10:45  Lab: Strategies for the trunk, shoulder stability and hip stability
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-11:15 Bracing and adjuncts in hypotonia
11:15-12:00pm Treatment planning & goal writing
12:00-12:45 Lunch
12:45-1:30 Group analysis & problem solving of children with hypotonia
1:30-2:00 Lab: Strategies for hand function, strategies for ankle function
2:00-3:00 Case Presentation: Treatment case including videos to illustrate clinical reasoning


Educational Credits

10 contact hours

Successful completion of Post Test and Course Evaluation is required to receive your Certificate and CEUs.

Approved for 10 contact hours by NYSED’s State Board for PT.

AOTA-Approved Provider ProgramTSI is an AOTA Approved Provider of Professional Development. PD activity approval ID#7101. This Distance Learning-Interactive course is offered at 10 contact or 1.0 CEU’s, Intermediate level, Domain of OT: OT Service Delivery. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.


Group Discount

Early $350.00* | Regular $375.00

*Early registration must be received 14 days prior to seminar VALID UNTIL MAY 8, 2023

3 or more registrants – Early –  $331.24 | Regular – $354.90  (use code group3)

In order to qualify for the group discounted rate, registrations MUST all be received within 24 hours (of the first registration) if registering on-line, and in the same envelope if registering by mail.  PLEASE NOTE: Registrations received after a group has been processed will not be eligible for the discount.

To ensure that all group members receive the appropriate discount, be sure that each person registering adds the names of  each additional group member in the “Additional Information” section at checkout.